5 Days to Top LinkedIn Brand

All the tools you need so you can build a top 1% LinkedIn brand.

In 5 days. For free.


Learn from a Top 1%

Multiple times founder with over 15 yrs in Marketing & Branding. LinkedIn top voice in personal branding & Top 1% creator.

Easy learning, at your pace

This is not a PDF. It's a 5 day practical guide with walkthroughs, tools & examples so you can benefit right away.

Hear it from a media favorite guest

Forbes Council Marketing Chair & frequent top media featured who gets invited to join industry panel talks & podcasts on a roll.

Your personal brand is no longer a nice-to-have.

Why? Because people don't just buy products, they buy into people. And if you want to grow a successful business, you need to be that person.

The question is, are you someone people want to do business with?

Imagine having a LinkedIn profile that is:

  • Getting noticed and approached by top industry leaders.
  • Generates high engagement and meaningful conversations.
  • Builds a powerful network of influential connections.
  • Turning your LinkedIn into a revenue-generating machine.

Amanda, Founder

With my first two posts, I have had more engagement than in my last five months. I highly recommend Ana.

Jan, CEO

My ROI on my investment has paid back over and over. And it keeps doing that. You'll never regret joining Ana's brand program.

Silvan, Co-Founder

1200% return 2 inbound leads 2 podcast invites 500 new followers and and the list goes on. There is so much I am learning from her.


On This FREE 5 Days Email Course 

You'll Learn:

  • Why a personal brand is your most important business asset.
  • How you can go form 0-10,000 followers on Linkedin (and beyond) in 6 months.
  • How to actually monetize a personal brand without selling all the time.
  • 5 proven frameworks that even complete beginners are using to create content.
  • The secret formula you need to build a brand with authority, not just followers.
  • I'm also revealing my secret ChatGPT content system that creates Buzzworthy content for you in less than 5 minutes.
  • My Proven inbound DM strategy to get clients coming to YOU
  • 3 ways to get media attention and features Without you pitching to them.
  • and more


Are you ready?

What you get during the 5 days:

All The Tools You Need To Build A Top Personal Brand

On Linkedin and beyond.

I want in for the free 5 days course

5 Days to Top LinkedIn Brand

All the tools you need so you can build a top 1% LinkedIn brand.

In 5 days. For free.